Saturday, May 22, 2010

[DIMESALE] Brand NEW "Crash Course" With PLR..

Hi there,

If you've been looking for a way to get more subscribers, searching for quality information to provide to your current readers, or wanting to increase your traffic and profits, then read on...


In a Hurry? Click Here:

Basic List Building Strategies PLR Course


Did you know that many online and offline businesses make virtually all of their income just by sending out emails a few times a month?

But a lot of business owners don't realize that list building plays an important role in their marketing plan, so they never take the time to learn how to build a mailing list and use it effectively.

The "Basic List Building Strategies" Crash Course was specifically designed with beginners in mind, so even if you've never built a mailing list before, you will discover how to quickly attract new leads and collect email addresses like a pro!

Basic List Building Strategies PLR Course

This new course comes with Private Label Rights, so not only will you be able to learn the ins and outs of basic list building yourself, you will also be able to pass that knowledge on to your subscribers.

You will be providing them with high quality information that will help them build their businesses AND build your own at the same time.

It also comes with Master Resell Rights, so you can sell it and keep all the profits!

Oh, and it's running as one of those famous Wacky Weekend DIMESALEs, so head over and get your copy now, while it's still about the price of a fast food lunch:

Basic List Building Strategies PLR Course

To Your Success,


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Do You Want To Create Your Own WordPress Plug-ins?

Since you're here reading my blog, I guess you're aware of blogs & blogging - who isn't these days, right? I assume you're also aware of WordPress, the free blogging platform that will allow you to set up a bog on almost any site or server, fairly quickly & easily.

[A quick side note: In case you're wondering, you can install a WordPress blog from within your CPanel, using Fantastico. That's pretty straightforward, but it's not always as secure as it could be. Check out the following post for some info on a new free service that'll help you install a more secure WordPress blog:
Read This or Be Left in The Dark  about the new free service: Expert WordPress]

Anyway, you probably know that there are lots of plug-ins available for WordPress that enhance it and add functionality.

People sell them to make money, give them away to build their lists, give them away to build their reputation or "brand" themselves. there are plenty of ways they can be used in marketing, IF you have your own plug-ins.

Imagine being able to get your piece of that action. Have you ever wished that you had your own WordPress plug-ins that you could do what you want with?

Have you ever dismissed the idea as being too hard?

Well, not any more!

With WordPress On Crack you can learn how to create your own WordPress plug-ins in quickly and easily.

Imagine being able to sell your own plug-ins and make money, or give them away to build your list, or to bild your "brand", or build your backlinks?

Now you can. It's easier than you think.

Check it out hr:

WordPress On Crack



Monday, May 10, 2010

Automated Ads Review

Have you gotten caught up in the fuss over the new Automated Advertising "Bot"…

It's a system to automate your advertising by getting more traffic to the ads that are profitable for you...automatically.

This is actually pretty cool, so pay attention!

***What IS Automated Ads and what can it do?

It’s a site preloaded with banners for the different categories at ClickBank. You simply plug in your ClickBank ID, and the system generates banners all pointing to your affiliate link.

Once you have selected your category, size of banner, and number of banners to rotate, Automated Ads does the rest.

Banners are shown based on their performance which makes your campaigns more and more profitable over time.

Another really cool feature is Automated Ads will automatically test out new popular ClickBank products as they are added to ClickBank for you.

So once you set this up, you never have to worry about which offers are converting for you or not, nor do you have to continually monitor what
ClickBank has to offer. Affiliate marketing couldn't get any easier!

***How much does it cost?

Here's the best part...right now it's free.

The downside to the free application, however, is that you can't rotate any of your own banners to your own sites, or banners to sites not currently in the program.

The upside is that you can upgrade your account and have free reign at adding whatever banners you want. Plus, you'll also get 4 other scripts
and software tools that allow you to automate your traffic, and ultimately your sales!

Anyway, you can check it out here:

Automated Ads

Looks like a potential "game-changer" to me.

Depending on how this takes off, you may see it down the road costing $47/month, so grab it for free while you can.

Automated Ads

Monday, May 3, 2010

Is GVO The Ultimate Marketers Toolbox?

When marketing on the internet, sometimes you feel like your head is going to explode! The amount of tools, systems, and services out there which make promises of easy riches when you use them will make your head spin.

Every day, there seems to be another "magic tool" that pops up promising millions of visitors to your site and large sums of money in your bank account....effortlessly.

It can get overwhelming and take focus away from what you should be doing to build your business.

As you know, there are tools out there that not only make your life easier, but keep your business running on auto-pilot for you.

The trick is to know which ones to focus on and which ones to stay away from!

Let's go through the essentials on which every top internet marketer depends on a daily basis to run their million dollar businesses...

1) Web Hosting

Obviously, without hosting, the internet would be a pretty boring place to hang out. If you have a domain name, you need a place to host it so others can find you.

Hosting companies out there range from free all the way to over $500 a month for dedicated hosting.

The key is to find a company that provides 99% uptime and also provides 24/7 support in case you ever have a problem.

And of course, just like anything, you get what you pay for.

2) Auto-Responders

Have you heard the phrase, "The Money Is In The List?"

Well, having an autoresponder and building a list that knows, likes, and trusts you is the fastest way to literally pushing a button and having money coming in to your bank account... faster than you can say... Hot Biscuits!

The formula is simple.

Create a page that gives something of huge value away totally for free. This could be a free report, a video lesson, an audio interview, or a live webinar.

Then, in exchange for your free information, the visitor will give you their name and email address.

And then the magic happens. You can follow up with them automatically and offer more value and even get them to buy something!

This is all done using an auto-repsonder, all automatically and efficiently for you.

Again, companies providing auto-responders range from $20 a month up to $99 a month.

3) Video Hosting

The internet today is all about video. And without some type of video on your website, most people will simply not hang around.

Video allows you to bond with your visitor and create more trust than with just words on your site.

We've all heard of YouTube for sure. But is a free service that is known for pranks, jokes, and music videos the right image for your business?

There's a reason the top marketers host their videos through paid services and you should to.

4) Website Builder and Prospecting System

99% of internet marketers don't have the time and/or the skills to create their own websites or prospecting pages. Trying to learn website design and html code is not the best way to spend your time.

That's where website builders come in. You simply customize your pages with your own video, product info, auto-responder, and you're done!

5) Live Webcasts

The most powerful way to sell is face to face. You get instant feedback and customers can ask questions and get their answers immediately.

Since we don't want to meet all our visitors in person... Webcasts are the next best thing.

We can sit in the comfort of our own homes and present to people all over the world. Product demonstrations, video overviews, live questions and answers, it's all possible with Webcasts.

If you're not using Webcasts in your business, you are missing out on thousands of dollars of sales.

Typical companies charge between $49 to $99 a month and more.

The Top 5 Essential Tools

These are the top five tools that every top marketer uses and depends on, on a daily basis to make sales on auto-pilot.

And you can too.

Now, you can get all these great tools from different companies and pay between $150 to over $350 each and every month.

Or, you can make the smart decision and get them all from one company and save a huge amount of money.

GVO offers all these tools under one roof and for only $1.45 a day. That's less than a Starbucks coffee!

And the best part is, for a limited time, you can take advantage of all these amazing tools and profit with them for a full 14 days for only a $1.

Don't decide now, use all the tools and see how powerful they are and how they will help explode your business online right now.

Go here for your test drive:

Find Out More About GVO.