Thursday, October 28, 2010

Some More Freebies for You.


e-BizResources Update
October 28, 2010
Special Issue


Hi there,

Michael here. Welcome to this special issue of "e-BizResources Update". I hope you're well.

I have a couple of freebies for you from Howie Schwartz and news of a live broadcast he's doing.

Now, as I mentioned, Howie Schwartz is currently giving away a couple of reports that you may find helpful. He often does this as part of his promotions for new events or new products.

In this case he's promoting a live broadcast he's doing about generating traffic. You can sign up for the broadcast here:

It's at 9pm US EST, so if you're interested, you should sign up as soon as you can.

The freebies are a couple of quite useful reports:

a) 15 Niches For You To Swipe

This is a report giving you some of his team's research on
some potentially profitable niches that you probably would not ha e thought of yourself, and is available here:

b) 9 New Web 2.0 Properties

This report gives you details about some Web 2.0 properties with good Page Rank that you can use to create backlinks to your own sites. (Unfortunately, there are a couple of errors in this one. Some of the clilckable links for live examples are incorrectly hyperlinked, so you're better off copying and pasting rather than just clicking them. And I believe one site has closed and redirects to a different site. But all in all if you only get links on a few high PR sites that you didn't previously know about, that can only be good, can't it?) You can download it here:

I hope you find them useful.

And, remember, all the knowledge, tools, software & resources in the world won't help you unless you take action with them!

That's all for now.

Thanks and best wishes,

Michael Beauchamp
e-BizResources Update

P.S. Please forward this to any of your friends and associates that
you think may enjoy it or benefit from it.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Get Exit Offer Script for Free


e-BizResources Update
October 27, 2010
Special Issue


Hi there,

Michael here. Welcome to this special issue of "e-BizResources Update". I hope you're well.

I have some Breaking News for you.

Ken Sar is giving away an awesome, easy-to-use script for free.

Yes, Exit Offer Script is very easy-to-use and for a limited time only, you are getting it for absolutely nothing!

Get a Fre Copy of Exit Offer Script

Instead of paying $10 for it, grab it for free at this link while you can.

And, remember, all the knowledge, tools, software & resources in the world won't help you unless you take action with them!

That's all for now.

Thanks and best wishes,

Michael Beauchamp
e-BizResources Update

P.S. Please forward this to any of your friends and associates that you think may enjoy it or benefit from it.

Friday, October 8, 2010

(Free Download) How to Earn More Money from your Website or Blog.


e-BizResources Update
October 8, 2010
Special Issue


Hi there,

Michael here. Welcome to this special issue of "e-BizResources Update". I hope you're well.

Want to earn more money from your website or blog?

I just found this great Free report that I think you'll like. It's called:

7 Simple Ways to Make Money with your Website or Blog and 101 Ways to Monetize Your Blog Without Irritating Your Readers.

For sure you should read the 7 Simple Ways section, then you can browse the 101 at your leisure.

The best part is that it's totally free!

Download it now:

Free Report: 7 Simple Ways

Among the various ways of making money from your site or blog, the ebook discusses a new site called skaDoogle. It's free to join and benefit from, but there's also some paid upgrades available. You can check out the video intro here:

skaDoogle Video

You may also want to check out this easy to set up Niche Video Site before it's sold out:

Psoriasis Niche Video Site

It has multiple streams of income and is easy to set up, but they're only selling a limited number. So check it out soon.

And, remember, all the knowledge, tools, software & resources in the world won't help you unless you take action with them!

That's all for now.

Thanks and best wishes,

Michael Beauchamp
e-BizResources Udate

P.S. Please forward this to any of your friends and associates that you think may enjoy it or benefit from it.