Thursday, February 24, 2011

Two special offers. Read immediately.


e-BizResources Update
February 24, 2011


Hi there,

Michael here. Welcome to the latest issue of "e-BizResources Update". I hope you're well.

I've got news about another great special offer that's available.

So, here goes....


1. John Yeo, Alvin Huang & Joel Chue have gotten together with some top marketers and are offering an assortment of 30 different products for one low price.

You can find out more about it here:

Giant Fire Sale

They've compiled 30 of the internet’s best systems from top marketers. And they've made it affordable for almost everyone.

There's over $500 worth ofproducts here, but you can get the lot for only $37.00, if you're quick.

So check it out now, at:

Giant Fire Sale

(Note: if you try to click away, there are other offers. The second one lets you get this package for only $27.00! That's the way to go - save an extra $10!)


2. I also wanted to remind you that my special offer on Mike Filsaime's products is ending soon (26 Feb). So, don't missout.

Head on over & get your copy now at:

Special Offer On Mike Filsaime Products


That's all for now.

Thanks and best wishes,

Michael Beauchamp
e-BizResources Update

P.S. Please forward this to any of your friends and associates that you think may enjoy it or benefit from it.